Consultation Hours

We support and advise you so that you can go to the doctor and, if possible, get health insurance.

What is the AKSB?

The AKSB (Anonymer Krankenschein Bonn e.V. – Anonymous medical certificate for Bonn) helps people who do not have medical insurance to get health insurance. If that is not possible, you can get access to medical supplies directly from the AKSB: sick people without health insurance receive a medical certificate (Krankenschein) from us, which they can use to visit a doctor anonymously. The treatment is paid for by the AKSB.

What conditions do I have to meet in order to be medically supported by the AKSB?

No health insurance
No financial ressources to pay for the treatment by yourself

(no proof required)

Usual residence in Bonn* for at least 3 months

(no proof required)

*If you live in the Bonn area but not in Bonn itself, please contact MediNetzBonn e.V. on +49175 5577907.

How does the AKSB help me?

  • Legal and social advice: Help getting health insurance if possible

  • Medical care and supply just as the benefits covered by statutory health insurances

When and where are the consultation hours?

Tuesday 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

The consultation hours take place in Endenicher Str. 95, 53115 Bonn.

Registration is not necessary.

Typical process/cycle of our consultation hours

If you have any suggestions or complaints about our work, please send us a message on The account is runned by a member of the AKSB, which is not part of the team in the consultation hours.


Anonymer Krankenschein Bonn e.V.
Endenicher Str. 95, 53115 Bonn

Phone: 0228 422 05 115
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